Coryell County
Safety Action Plan

Safety Action Plan
Coryell County, Texas
Coryell County is in the process of developing a transportation Safety Action Plan.
A Safety Action Plan is a comprehensive plan that identifies the most significant roadway safety concerns in an area and provides the framework for addressing these safety concerns to reduce fatalities and serious injuries.
Public involvement is essential to the development of a Safety Action Plan. Residents of Coryell County can provide vital information by participating in the 'Coryell County Safety Action Plan Public Survey' under the Community tab of this site.
Components of a Safety Action Plan

Safety Analysis
Safety Analysis

The Safety Analysis is a data driven analysis of conditions and historical trends that provides a baseline level of crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries. The results of the Safety Analysis will identify high risk locations where projects can be implemented to improve safety conditions. This analysis includes all roadways within Coryell County, regardless of ownership.
Equity Considerations

The Safety Action Plan will identfiy underserved communities in Coryell County through data reflecting an inclusive and representative process. Strategies and projects that will benefit these communities will be included in the Plan.
Project and Strategy Selections

Once the Safety Analysis is complete, the Executive Committee will identify projects and strategies to include in the Safety Action Plan that address safety issues throughout Coreyll County. These projects and strategies focus on effective interventions, a Safe System Approach, and consider multidisciplinary activities. These projects and strategies will be prioritized using various criteria. See the Community tab on this site to request to join the Executive Committee and view additional information regarding the Safe System Approach.
Engagement and Collaboration

Engagement with the public and relevant stakeholders allows for community representation and feedback. The information we receive from YOU regarding safety concerns will be incorporated into the Safety Action Plan. We are asking residents of Coryell County to let us know YOUR safety concerns through the Coryell County Safety Action Plan Public Survey under the Community tab of this site.
Policy and Process Change

Current plans, policies, guidelines and standards related to transportation will be assessed to identify opportunities to improve how they prioritize safety. The Safety Action Plan will include the adoption of new or revised policies where appropriate.
Progress and Transparency

Once the Safety Action Plan is complete, methods will be implemented to ensure ongoing progress and transparency. Accessible reporting on progress towards reducing annual roadway fatalities and serious injuries will be made available to the public as well as the completed Safety Action Plan.